Traditional qualifications for the best universities.
A Levels are the standard UK route to gain entrance to a UK university. Students take four subjects in their first year (AS Level) and three subjects in the second year (A2 Level) .
Students typically receive two to three hours of homework per weekday evening, and there may be additional tasks at the weekend.
Please click here to view the Abbey College In Malvern Academic Brochure.
Key Facts
Age: 16-19
Start Dates: September (January may be considered for suitable applicants)
Course Length: Usually 6 terms (3 terms = 1 year)
Hours per Week: 5-6 per subject on average in class
Course content: 3 or 4 subjects, studied in detail, including private research time, plus IELTS or general English language lessons where appropriate.
Progression: University. This independent qualification can also be used for employment.
Available Subjects
Art French
Biology Further Mathematics
Business Studies German
Chemistry Law
Computer Science Mathematics
Economics Physics
Please ask us for the latest subject availability. We can run a variety of other subjects if there is enough demand or as one to one courses with private lessons.