Full on-site welfare support
As hosts to a fully residential international community the issue of welfare is extremely important to us. Our specialist Student Services department is run by full-time experienced staff that are responsible for every aspect of student health, well-being and accommodation. They also help in supervising evening social events. Our aim is to strike a balance of support where necessary and increasing independence where desirable.
Staff are aware that they are dealing with young people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures and are keen to provide a sense of ‘family’ within the school. Regular welfare meetings ensure all staff are kept up-to-date on issues involving students, with individual concerns discussed and resolved.
Students receive care 24 hours per day. Dedicated House Parents deal with in-house matters including checking-in and waking-up all under 18-year olds daily. Students under 16 receive particular care and attention. Students are able to go off school premises under conditions that can be read HERE You can also view other policies that relate to the welfare and well being of our students on our POLICIES PAGE.
Students may visit local doctors when necessary, this will be organised by the Welfare Manager.
The School’s independent listener is Jen Alford. Her contact details are available to students on school noticeboards.
The college welcomes students from all religions. Respecting the wishes of parents, special arrangements can be made for the observance of any religion, including attendance at places of worship.
Permission for Exeat: This form is to be completed by parents / guardians or agents to give permission for a student to leave the college. If at any time during the Exeat any of the details on this form change we must be informed immediately. The college reserves the right to refuse any EXEAT during term time if we have any doubts about the EXEAT or about the safety of the student.
During the academic year the college staff keeps a watchful eye on the behaviour and self-discipline of all students. Students are expected to attend every lesson provided on their individual timetables and to attempt all work set by teachers. Students over 18 are treated as adults, on the condition that they behave and study responsibly.