The admissions procedure for admission to the school varies according to the age of the candidate and the course they are applying for.
GCSE courses
Applicants for our GCSE/IGCSE courses should have completed the equivalent of Year 9 (either in the UK or in their own country) before starting the 2 year course, or Year 10 for the 1 year course. We ask students who do not have an recognised English Language qualification (SELT) to take our English Language placement test (usually taken under the supervision of educational agents in the students’ own country). We may also arrange for a Skype or other online interview, carried out by a member of our English Language department.
Students who do require more English Language training may be offered a course with fewer academic subjects, and a greater emphasis on English Language classes instead.
A Level courses
Students may begin the A Level course if they have passed a minimum of 5 GCSEs, or if they have completed the equivalent qualification in their own school system. Students are normally required to have studied their A Level subjects, or subjects related to it, at GCSE or equivelent level. Students under 18, or from within the EU, will be asked to sit our English placement test and will be assessed based on their English test results and academic background, which must always be officially translated in to English.
Students over 18 (from outside of the EU) must have a UKVI-recognised English language qualification (SELT) at the CEFR Level minimum B1 or above.
For more information on recognised English language tests and accepted scores, please visit:
Foundation courses
Students must normally be aged 17 or over and have successfully completed the appropriate high school certificate in their own country, or GCSEs if they have previously followed the UK education system.
Students under 18, or from within the EU, will be asked to sit our English placement test and will be assessed based on their English test results and academic background, which must always be officially translated in to English.
Students over 18 (from outside of the EU) must have a UKVI-recognised English language qualification (SELT) at the CEFR Level minimum B1 or above.
(for exemptions please see the UKVI Tier 4 Student Guidance https://www.gov.uk/tier-4-general-visa/overview )
For more information on recognised English language tests and accepted scores, please visit: