Meet the Abbey College Senior Leadership Team

Mr Jeff Smith

Mr Mehran Noor
The Principal's Background
For the past thirty-five years I have been a teacher, tutor and school executive, I have helped numerous students to overcome difficulties with their studies, to gain self-confidence and achieve their academic goals.
I attended St. Joseph’s College in Blackpool, where I received a very thorough grounding in English and its grammar, I went on to gain ten GCE O-Levels and three A-Levels before embarking on a four-year Engineering Degree. During my degree, I spent a year working in the aerospace industry where I gained first-hand experience of the monumental academic diversity of the personnel to be found in a large company. It was then that I really started to take an interest in education. I always knew that I would be responsible for groups of people and that, as a group, success would be dependent on how well educated we were and how well we worked together.
I then decided to dedicate my life to the teaching profession in the Independent Schools Sector – which I continue to do to the present day. I ran a Science Department for thirty years (teaching mainly physics from year 7 to Year 13), wrote all of the materials for the Key Stage 3 Sciences, and have held many other executive posts including Head of Boarding, Head of Lower Senior School, Deputy Head and, for the past eight years, Executive Head. It is a great honour to now be the Resident Principal at Abbey College in Malvern.
The Bursar's Background
My first experience of Abbey College was as a student. I studied A Levels at Abbey College before moving on to University. My name is even on the board as student of the year in 1979! I returned in 1986 as a member of staff and have been here ever since. Whilst working here I have been involved in many different areas. The main departments I am currently responsible for are Finance, Contracts, Recruitment and Maintenance.
I am proud of what Abbey College achieves and the way our staff care for our students.
Education: P.G.Dip (Eng), M.Sc. Cert TEFL